Thinking of Selling?Most people take the decision of choosing their real estate agent and salesperson far too lightly and would put more effort into selecting a new car or home however, choosing your real estate agent/salesperson can be one of the single biggest financial decisions you will make. The difference between a mediocre salesperson and a very good salesperson (and bear in mind, you are paying the same for both!) can mean thousands of dollars that you receive for your home. A good salesperson should be determined to get you the best possible price for your house. They will go beyond what a buyer is prepared to pay for your house and try to get what they are able to pay.
>PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR SALE List with one agencyListing with one agency creates a win-win situation for both you and the salesperson. You receive a salesperson who will fully commit their time, resources and expertise into selling your house; the salesperson receives a commission when their hard work and effort results in a sale. Many people who decide to list with a number of different agencies often find they do not receive the same kind of attention and commitment. Or even worse, the salespeople are in such a hurry to sell the house before anyone else that they focus on making a quick sale rather than getting you the best possible price. |
Price your house at the right market value
Pricing your house much too high is a sure way to deter buyers. Those who actually want to buy a house in that price-range will tend to pass over your house as they can get better value elsewhere. The buyers who do want a house similar to yours are also likely to exclude it as it is well out of their price range. As a result, your house could end up sitting on the market for a long period of time with little interest from buyers.