0212 900 505
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Marketing Your Home Correctly


Video Advertisement
The world is moving fast to internet technology and the more visual the better. To capitalise on the emotional content of a property, video is the perfect medium.  It allows you the vehicle to get more across to your audience than you can with plain text, it should be considered with your agent in your arsenal of marketing tools. You can even attach a QR Code for those of you with smart phones, so they can view the video from seeing your advert in the Property Press or on your Signboard or brochure drop.
There is a very small cost for a property video but it is brilliant at getting more emotion out of your buyer before they even arrive to view your home. It takes a little time to put one of these together, but it still gives the viewer more information about your property.

Marketing You Home For Sale
Internet Advertisement
You will find that all agents will advertise your property on many internet sites - including and their own (and office associated) websites to mention a few - for no charge. The cost comes in if you want to advertise your home on Trademe or highlight your advert on any of these sites.

There are two key things with internet advertising, fantastic photos - as that is what will draw potential buyers and a quick responding agent. Down the bottom of any internet advertising you have a chance to 'email the agent'. Try this out on your selected agent(s) and see how quick they are to respond. If you receive a slow response, or worse yet, no response, think about how you would feel as a buyer trying to engage that agent. Having invested a lot of money on advertising you need to know that your agent will be fielding the enquiries in a timely and useful manner, otherwise you may miss the buyer - who gets annoyed, or forgets about your home.
Property Press Advertisement
While the internet ramps up, the Property Press still has a lot of sway with around 40% of the first weekend's Open Home attendees seeing your home first advertised in the Property Press. 

Your 'passive buyers' those who are 'kind of' looking or 'if something like...comes up' are the highest proportion of buyers that will respond to a Property Press advert.   

It is worth considering a half or full page, at least for the first week of your Sales Campaign.

Home Staging
A home that is lived in will always have more appeal than a vacant one. If at all possible - don't move out until after it is sold. If this simply isn't possible - consider hiring or borrowing some furniture and décor so your home won't look abandoned. This also helps buyers imagine their belongings in your home. It immediately answers questions like:

'Would a double bed fit in this room?' Or 'Would our dining table fit there?'
Great home staging maximises buyer appeal by highlighting a home's best features, minimising the less desirable ones, and creating a lasting first impression. If you want to sell your home faster and for the highest value, it makes sense to invest in home styling consultation and or staging. Often using your own belongings and simply adding or subtracting furniture, art, lighting or furnishings can make a world of difference. A professional consultant can give clever advice in this area.


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M: 0212 900 505
B: 09 538 0688


FIVE AM Realty LTD (RayWhite - Howick)
Licensed under the REAA 2008
12 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Auckland 2014