0212 900 505
OFFICE:   09 538 0688

Preparing Your Home For showing

Preparation Checklist

Preparing your home for showing.

First impressions count. This expression couldn't apply more to the Real Estate industry. That's why it's important that your house looks its best while it's on the market. And, as there's no doubt that presentation adds value to your house. Below is a checklist to help you prepare your house for showing.

Exterior Impressions
Paint work in good repair - discuss with sales consultant if major work is still to be done.
Street number and tidy letter box in easy to see position.
Spouting cleaned and in good repair.
Garage/carport clean and tidy.
Rubbish tidy and cleared away.
Any cracked or broken windows repaired.
Hedges & shrubs trimmed, edges and lawns cut.

Front Entrance
Ensure the entrance way is clean, tidy and uncluttered.
Door bell works.

General Interior Impressions
All chipped paint and cracked plaster repaired. Wallpaper tidy.
Check all door, window and cupboard latches open and close easily.
Lights all work - if needed leave some lights on to create atmosphere.
Heat house if weather is cool.
Ensure halls/stairways are tidy and free of clutter.
Curtains should be open, carpets freshly vacuumed.
If possible, have cut flowers in various rooms.

All surfaces - mirrors, fixtures, taps cleaned and polished.
All taps in good order.
Seals around bath and basin in good repair.
Floors cleaned, rubbish containers emptied.
Cupboards and cabinets tidy inside.

Sinks and taps cleaned and polished.
All appliances cleaned.
Small appliances should be put away to avoid a cluttered look.
Benches cleaned and polished. Cupboards and pantry neat and tidy.

Open Days
Jewellery and valuables locked away safely or taken with you.
Valuables such as art, vases, figurines and mementos are safely situated or locked away.

Creating an Atmosphere
Try to make your house as inviting as possible by using some of the tips detailed under general interior impressions. 

Also, if possible, pets should be absent during showing.



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M: 0212 900 505
B: 09 538 0688


FIVE AM Realty LTD (RayWhite - Howick)
Licensed under the REAA 2008
12 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Auckland 2014